

I have an announcement today. PAOLO, who had been a staff member of KOKUU since spring 2016, is starting a new life in Saga Prefecture with his family after five years at Koyasan. Without him, we would not have been able to run the guesthouse for the last 5 years, and we can’t tell you how much his hospitality has added to the value of KOKUU. I have so many memories that I can’t even tell them all. But I would like to thank him all for a great experience. Thank you very much Paolo and his wife Shoko chan. I would never be able to talk about the last five years without you guys. The memories we shared will always be treasured. You have not just been a business partner to me, you have been a family, a true friend . Honestly, I’m really going to miss you. Always remember my dear friend that no distance is big enough to resist us from meeting again. Go where life must take you. My prayers will always be with you! Chao my friend! These are just a few pictures of travelers from around the world who spent time together at Kokuu.


本当に彼無しではこの5年間、KOKUUを運営する事はできませんでした。 彼のおかげでKOKUUの評判が良くなっていったのは間違いありません! 近所の方にも『良くあの子働くなぁ』と何度も言われた事か。 いつか高野山を去る日がその来るのは分かっていましたが、 実際その日が来ると本当にさみしいですね。 でも、この決断は彼や彼の家族にとってベストな選択だと信じています。 色々と思い出がありすぎて、語り尽くせないですが、 僕も本当に良い経験をさせてもらい、感謝しております。 彼はSNSは全くしない人なので、 このFacebook上でも彼を知っている人がいると思い報告させていただきました。 九州、特に佐賀の皆様、よろしくお願いします!!



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